Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Roles of Female Characters in The Necklace and Life in...

Examine the roles of the female characters in society in ‘The Necklace’ and ‘Life in the Country’ There are three things that make up the society; the time, place and people. In each society each of these points differs from other societies. The stories ‘The Necklace’ and ‘Life in the Country’ by Guy de Maupassant were set in a time in which poverty was very common in most places even though each society had a different view as to what poverty is. This essay is examining the roles of the female characters in ‘The Necklace’ and ‘Life in the Country’ by Guy de Maupassant. Guy de Maupassant came from a wealthy background and lived in France, Normandy. His parents were divorced so he spent the early years of his life mostly with his†¦show more content†¦If she had not gone through that, then she would have never changed, and change is very important. The necklace was fake, although very beautiful, in a way it describes Mathilde, on the outside she was ravishing and beautiful, but in the inside she was completely fake. This story shows how things such as discontentment, envy, and pride could destroy a life. In the story, Madam Loisel is a very envious woman who dreamt of a life she could not have. She was very beautiful and charming but, like the necklace she is a fake. The day her dream came to life, and she as well as her husband were invited to a dinner ball she became distraught and insisted she would not come as she had nothing to wear. This made her husband give her four hundred francs, for a new dress yet she was still not content and was once again distraught at the prospect of having little jewellery to wear. This greed inside her caused her life to destroy around her, but it is good as if this would not have happened she would not have changed for the better. In ‘Life in the country’ the main theme is also greed and Madam Tuvache as well as Vallin saw how dangerous it could be. Madam Tuvache in the end lost her son and Madam Vallin the little respect she had amongst the people not to mention their friendship. Although both stories are about poverty, the poverty described in each story is completely different.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness And The Quiet American1581 Words   |  7 PagesEveryone is born under different circumstances, different experiences, and develop different positions. Although gender allows our existence to flourish, females were and are still discriminated against. Similar to those people who experienced the dismantle of their culture and people, imperialism seeks people who are different. They observe the differences of language, culture, and even physical appearances. In Heart of Darkness and The Quiet American, the treatment of women and victims of imperialismRead More E uripides was accused by his contempories of being a woman hater. Why1711 Words   |  7 Pagesyou think the accusation was? In your answer you should consider not only how Euripides portrays his female characters, but also the sentiments expressed in the plays and the contempory view of women. Answer ------ Euripides definitely had an opinion on woman that was not shared by many other play writes. Whether it is hatred or not, women play a major role in a Euripian play. Their role in society of that time was a great contrast to that of the men. Compared to today, women were milesRead MoreGender Roles and Marriage Essay1997 Words   |  8 PagesThe representation of gender roles and marriage has always been a controversial issue. However, much can be learned about unhappy marriages when examining the roles of both females and males within the marriage. The examination of gender roles and marriage are seen through the following short stories The Story of an Hour, The Necklace, and Country Lovers, along with scholarly articles based on gender role and marriage. Evaluation of these literary works shows quite clearly that social and economicRead MoreEssay about Biography and Work of Guy de Maupassant4591 Words   |  19 Pagesthe second half of the decade. â€Å"His short fiction has been compared to that of Ivan Turgenev, Anton Chekhov, Edgar Allan Poe, and Henry James.† (Encyclopedia Britanica 1012) Maupassant took as his primary goal the realistic portrayal of everyday life. He wrote about what he knew best, and that is as a peasant of his native home of Normandy, the war of 1870, the lives of government employees and Parisian high society, and his own fears and hallucinations. â€Å"His short stories were seen as masterpiecesRead MoreNineteenth Century Gender Roles Exposed in The Necklace and The Story of an Hour2020 Words   |  9 Pages The representation of The Necklace and The story of an hour represents gender roles as defined by the nineteenth century society guidelines . The The Story of an Hour was set in the late nineteenth century in the home of Louise Mallard.(Kate Chopin).It was written on April 19, 1894,by Kate Chopin. The theme Many also focus on women revolt against conformity, often against gender conformity or against social norms that limit omens possibilities in life. (Emmert, Scott ) The storyRead MoreItalian Film and Neorealism2472 Words   |  10 Pagesof partisan hopes for social justice in the post war italian state.† (Marcus, xiv) Even before the war, Italy had been under the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini and his corrupt form of government, Fascism, which caused oppression throughout the country. Neorealistic films allowed filmmakers to use common styles and techniques to finally reveal the world filled with anguish and misery that Mussolini had created. These films allowed the rebirth of Italy with the new ideals of freedom and social orderRead MoreThe Status Of A Woman Essay1846 Words   |  8 PagesSouth Indian or specifically Malayalam Cinema. The first question the arises in my mind while watching any Malayalam movie is why does the nationally and internationally acclaimed Malayalam Cinema fail to represent women’s experiences, Why are The Female leads just subjected to basic chores, or as an object of desire? Me being a Woman fin d it very disturbing to see woman being labelled in the same umbrella. Indian cinema has always been under the line of fire for its potrayal of women as objectsRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1981 Words   |  8 Pagesis in some ways not only personalizing each man but is also exploring each man’s character with symbolism to real life ideas and feelings to the readers. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. Throughout the book, The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien uses a lot of symbolism with his character and ideas. For example in the book, O’Brien states that a character named Kiowa carries a Bible. By doing this, O’Brien suggesting that Kiowa is a religiousRead MoreThe Status Of A Woman Essay1935 Words   |  8 PagesMalayalam Cinema. The first question the arises in my mind while watching any Malayalam movie is why does the nationally and internationally acclaimed Malayalam or for that matter any South Indian Cinema fail to represent women’s experiences, Why are The Female leads just subjected to basic chores, or as an object of desire? Me being a Woman find it very disturbing to see woman being labelled in the same umbrella. Indian cinema has always been under the line of fire for its potrayal of women as objectsRead MoreThe Roles of Women in Medieval Scandinavia Essay4028 Words   |  17 Pagesof infanticide - particularly female infanticide, women’s role in creation of the realm’s currency, and even the pagan religion that so many cite as evidence of a male-centric war society gives us evidence of the many women who were able to attain both societal and familial power in Scandinavia. Female infanticide was a common practice throughout the medieval world and while on one hand this is evidence of misogyny, on the other hand it is empowering to those females who do manage to make it to adulthood

Monday, December 16, 2019

Summit Of Greatness Free Essays

It was December 2, 1804, with over 400 musicians and singers performing. The world famous cathederal, Notre Dame, was filled. All eyes were set upon Napoleon Bonaparte. We will write a custom essay sample on Summit Of Greatness or any similar topic only for you Order Now This Corsican native slowly ascended the steps to the alter alone, siezing the crown with his own hands. He held it aloft and brought it to rest on his head. Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor of France that day. Napoleon was an everday guy. He was a 5? 2? lieutenant who was later ranked a general. He married Josephine DeVorne. At first, Napoleon wasn’t very liked amongst certain parts of Europe. Mothers would say to their kids at night to make them sleep a little nightmare raising lullaby†¦ † Baby baby, naughty baby, hush you scwaling thing i say, hush your scwaling or it may be Bonepart that pass this way. † Napoleon was nothing more then an average Corsican man with a cleaver mind. Working was a passion for Napoleon. In 1805, Napoleon planned to cross the English channel. Much like most other conquerors in Eurpope’s land Napoleon had one goal in mind, to conquer all of Europe. As he crossed the channel to invade Great Britain, with 2,000 ships, and 200,000 soldiers, he soon met victory. With that in mind, Russia and Austria wouldn’t allow Napoleon to roam with triumph. Soon after the Grand Army was put to the test against the French. The Russian army was known as the strongest and most feared around. Russia and Austria’s plan to win was by outnumbering Napoleon 2:1. France was looking pretty weak and had no chance of defeating the Russian’s and Austrian’s. But Napoleon saw the flaw in this. The Austrians and Russians were planning to meet half way. Their armies were scattered. So, Napoleon figured if if he was to beat the one army before the two armies linked up,then his men would’ve still stood a chance. Napoleon did just so. He took General Mac (Austria’s general) by surprised and conquered them leaving them forced surrendor. 27,000 men surrendered. Mac lost almost half his army. † I didn’t intend to fight any but England, until your master provoked me† said Napoleon. Nothing stood now between Napoleon and Vienna. In 8 days, Napoleon destroyed Austria’s army by marching, (200,000 marching men, marched 500 miles in 40 days-defeated Austria’s army). On November first Napoleon lead his army into Vienna, the capitol of Austria. The emperor was the first to fleed. Leaving behind his palace and gardens free for the enemy. Bonaparte triumphed alongthe streets. Many then stopped worshipping Napoleon, such as Ludwig Beethoven. On October 21, British admiral Nelson destroyed Napoleon’s army, and took along his own life. Napoleon no longer had the Grand army. French stopped challangeing the British army. It was December of 1805, when Napoleon was faced with an even greater challenge. He was now 1,000 miles from Paris, and was in the center of Europe. With enemies from all angles, Europes land was a great trap to Napoleon’s men. With the knowledge that the Russian’s has once again united with the Austrian’s in November, this time with 90,000 allies put together against France’s 75,000 men, Napoleon had one of two choices. He could’ve either gone back or to move along foward. Bonaparte would’ve NEVER moved back. So, now Napoleon was to face Alexander I, the emperor of Russia. Alexander I(28 years of age) was very jealous of Napoleon. He believed that it was his destiny to triumph over Napoleon. The war against the Russian’s seemed impossible. But leave it up to Napoleon, he was a thinker. He had a plan to encourage the enemy to think he was scared. He wanted to lead the enemy to the battle field of Australit, by making them think Napoleon was weaker then he really was. Once again, Napoleon succeeded. The Russian’s came to battle by hitting Napoleon on the right (the weaker end) first. Bonaparte wanted them to do exactly that. The Russian’s fed right into his plan! Napoleon had a secret for the Russian’s. He had previously set up 2 divisons within 70 miles in 2 days to attack the Russian’s. The attack caught the enemy by surprise and yet gave Napoleon another victory. Napoleon was sort of an artist he planned each battle as if the next move would perfect the whole piece of art, the end of the battle. Napoleon being the whole hearted Corsican man he was. He never let the power get to his head. Over a duration of time Bonaparte’s name was being spread all throughtout Europe. He still managed to write letter’s to his wife and he even elected each of his siblings to an office. His brother Joseph to be the king of Naples, Jerome the king of West Falia, Louis the king of Holand. His sister Caroline to be a Queen, pauline a princess, and Alicia a Dutchess. Trough all the battles and victory Napoleon gained much popularity in no time. Yet, he remained a mother’s boy. He loved his mother and made her Madame Mayor. Josephine and Napoleon were made for eachother. Though, both of them had their own quirrels. Josephine hated all the mistresses Napoleon had. Napoleon hated the habits that Josephine had with spending money. Josephine knew that one day no matter how strong her love was for Napoleon, he would’ve had to divorce her. The day came on November 30, 1809. How to cite Summit Of Greatness, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Lamentation of Christ Renaissance Art †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Lamentation of Christ Renaissance Art. Answer: Lamentation of Christ dates back around 1460 to 1463. It is an oil on panel painting on a very common subject of that time which is lamentation of Christ. The painter, Rogier van der Weyden is a Netherlandish artist. The painting is of rectangular shape where one can see the picture of Christ after crucifixion. The corpse of Christ is being buried and Mary can be seen weeping in the painting. John the Evangelist in bright red clothes, is seen to be holding the hands of Christ. The corpse of Christ is supported by many people such as Nicodemus. Joseph of Arimathea is dressed in rich and well decorated clothes, worn by important people at that time. He is gazing towards the spectators. Many art critics have referred this picture of Nicodemus to be the self portrait of the painter (Paldam, 2017). In the low foreground, one can find the kneeling figure of Mary Magdalene who seems to be mourning. The painting is set in a natural setting where there is no hint of the place where Christ had been crucified. The painting bears the older renaissance painters influence, which is mostly notable in the hard sculpted surfaces, the figures realistic facial features as well as vivid primary colours, such as red, white and blue. The composition of this painting is somehow similar to that of Pieta by Angelico. Despite the fact that here the artist has used deeper colours than that used in Pieta. The seen depicted in this painting is more complex as well as crowded. There are less geometrically ordered lines which have made the painting more painful. The expression of the faces of all the figures denote anguish due to the subject of the painting. Rogier van der Weyden has used oil painting that had allowed him to use contrast between the deeper colours with brighter pigments to achieve more vivid light. The attention given in the detailing of the expression and the clothing as well as posture of the figures, clearly points out its origin and style of early painting school of Netherlands. The artist van der Weyden has been greatly influenced by the renaissance art where the painter used various bright colours to carry the weight of their subjects. Most of their subjects revolved round the life and works of Jesus Christ (Carman, 2016). These art works used to be exhibited in the churches and courthouses however, this particular painting is a fiasco. The brilliant colours used by these painters had several symbols. Each of the shade had different symbols that connected the subject with the perceivers. The rich red colour used to symbolise the power and authority which John the Evangelist used to enjoy (Noonan, Scillia Leslie, 2017). The white was the symbol of innocence and Christ is the icon of innocence and purity. Mary Magdalene wore white to depict her existence in holy family. The blue symbolised mother Mary whose clothes are seen to have dark blue colour, tend to be black denoting the lamentation due to the death of Christ. The dark brown that the artist had used in the background denotes the crucifix, death and darkness (Pearson, 2015). Therefore, it can be concluded that this painting is a great depiction of renaissance art as this has the common subject taken up by the painters of that time and expresses actual emotion of lamenting. The painting has successfully denoted the agony and lamenting of the figures including their helplessness. References: Carman, C. H. (2016).Leon Battista Alberti and Nicholas Cusanus: Towards an Epistemology of Vision for Italian Renaissance Art and Culture. Routledge. Noonan, A., Scillia, D., Leslie, C. (2017). Interpreting Northern Renaissance Art and Fashion through 21st Century Mediums. Paldam, C. (Ed.). (2017)." Art, Technology and Nature": Renaissance to Postmodernity. Routledge. Pearson, A. (2015). David S. Areford, The Art of Empathy: The Mother of Sorrows in Northern Renaissance Art and Devotion. London, UK, and Jacksonville, FL: GILES for the Cummer Museum of Art Gardens, 2013. Paper. Pp. 64; 50 color and many black-and-white figures. $17.95. ISBN: 978-1-907804-26-7.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Symbolism and Realism in Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Nineteenth century gave rise to realistic and symbolic movements that were still closely intertwined with visions creating more ambiguity and ambivalence. Based primarily on the true story, Flaubert’s Madame Bovary was often considered as an example of a romantic novel because of the protagonist delusion outlooks on life, relations and attitudes to people. However, the novel is also seen as the realistic representation because the author resorts to representing romantic delusions that prevent the main heroine from living in a severe reality.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Symbolism and Realism in Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, romanticism is heavily attacked by verisimilitude and disappointment that were experienced by Emma Bovary in her attempts to build an imaginary world full of passion, emotion, and beauty (Flaubert 1033). The author focuses on chara cter development to disclose the ambivalence of the plot and provides realistic details becoming symbolic in light of romantic recession. The character development in the story is presented through Emma’s realization of the imperfection of the world. She lives in a false reality that prevails in her imagination disclosed through cultural modes of visions. The heroine is incapable of distinguishing between the fantasy and reality, between past and present; she also has a false imagination about man. Therefore, the author makes use of realism to make Emma realize that the world is not a romantic fable; it is overwhelmed with problems and routines (Thornton 982). Viewing the novel as a confrontation between romanticism and realism, the novel, on the other hand, provides romantic and illusionary world created by Emma Bovary to detach herself from reality. On the other hand, realism still dominates in the novel because all dreams and utmost expectations are shattered in the end. T he world surrounding the heroine is realistic because reason takes control of emotion. In this respect, Emma’s particular visions dictated by her cultural background prevents her from accepting the real life. Despite the fact that the novel is recognized as a realistic literary work, Flaubert’s quest of distortions and illusions lead to the idea that the work itself is a protest against the dullness of the existence. Such an apposition generates more deliberations on the nature of the novel’s ideas and insights (Doering 80). Flaubert’s deep contempt for reality does not allow him to be detached and indifferent enough for expressing aesthetic distance. The writer’s vacillation between pretentious objectivity and passionate subjectivity prevents him from disclosing his full affiliation to the realistic tendencies of the nineteenth century (Doering 80). Hence, the heroine is more obsessed with her romantic adventures; her aspiration to go beyond the e stablished reality is impossible because the frames within she lives do not allow her to turn her imaginary world into the truth. While reflecting on the essence of Flaubert’s ideas, Doering states that â€Å"the romantic proclamation of the individual’s right to happiness proved illusory because for him happiness itself proved to be an illusion† (79). This melancholy later turned into pessimism and realization of moral solitude, as the writer is aware that real life has no meaning. Despite mentioned instances of romanticism, the novel still proclaims that this movement was gradually suppressed by realistic waves.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the novel, the writer also oversees a significant literary dimension through the display of realistic details. Despite the fact that Flaubert the master of realism, he still refers to reality as to a point o f departure for creator. While striving to render the beauty of the ideal world, the writer also makes use of realistic details to initiate the reader into metaphoric and romantic dimensions of the concealed world created by Madame Bovary. Her false visions are explicitly represented through realistic precision providing a ground for symbolism that forms the core essence of the novel (Black 177). Hence, the main heroine’s hidden world is full of passion, emotion; it is too ideal for reality, but it makes Emma be protected from the boredom and existentialistic tendencies of the nineteenth century’s society. At the same time, the ideal she creates does not fill in her life with sense because she is a constant and desperate search of the unknown, of something that does not actually exist. In conclusion, it can be stated that, although the author has introduced notes of romanticism in the novel, the core of work is still focused on the rise of realistic tendencies that sup press any displays of passion, emotion, and beauty. The proclamation of reason is still accompanied by the author’s rigid confrontation to reality that does not provide people with right to be happy and independent in making decisions. More importantly, the established ambivalence makes the novel even more realistic and compelling as it contribute to better understanding why the era of romanticism was suppressed. Making use of metaphorical dimensions and resorting to the description of realistic details, Flaubert creates a harmonic tandem where romantic spirits serve to render the symbolism of the novel plot as well as the author’s disappointment with the advent of the realism. Works Cited Black, L. C. â€Å"Madame Bovary†: The Artist and the Ideal. College Literature. 12.2 (1985), pp. 176-183 Doering, Bernard. Madame Bovary and Flaubert’s Romanticism. College Literature. 8.1 (1981): pp. 1-11.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Symboli sm and Realism in Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. In The Norton Anthology: Western Literature Volume 2. Ed. Sara Lawall. US: W W Norton. Thornton, Lawrence. The Fairest of Them All: Modes of Vision in Madame Bovary. Modern Language Association. 93.5 (1978): 982-991. This essay on Symbolism and Realism in Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert was written and submitted by user Mustafa H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Easily Make Stage Glass or Fake Glass From Sugar

How to Easily Make Stage Glass or Fake Glass From Sugar These instructions will result in either clear or amber glass, depending on the cooking time used. You can use the fake glass as stage glass by pouring it flat into panes or into molds to make breakable shapes. The sugar wont splinter into shards when broken like real glass would. Its not too difficult to make and takes only about 30 minutes to complete. Materials to Make Sugar Glass 1 cup (250 mL) sugarFlat baking sheetButter or baking paperCandy thermometer Directions Butter or line a baking sheet with bakers (silicon) paper. Place the sheet in the refrigerator to chill.Pour the sugar into a small pan on a stove over low heat.Stir continuously until the sugar melts (takes a while). If you have a candy thermometer, remove from heat at the hard crack stage (clear glass).If the sugar is heated just past the hard crack stage it will turn amber (colored translucent glass).Poor the melted sugar onto the cooled pan. Allow it to cool.The glass may be used as candy windows or for lots of other neat purposes. Useful Tips Boiling water will dissolve the sugar and speed clean-up.The glass can be colored using food coloring. Add the coloring after the candy has finished cooking and has cooled slightly.Please use adult supervision for this one! Molten sugar can cause serious burns.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Write a Homeschool Progress Report

How to Write a Homeschool Progress Report For many homeschool families, tasks for wrapping up the school year include writing an annual progress report or compiling a portfolio. The job doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming. In fact, it’s often a delightful opportunity to reflect on the complete school year. Why Write a Homeschool Progress Report? A progress report may seem unnecessary for homeschooled students. After all, isnt the point of a progress report to let parents know how their children are doing in school? Its true that, as a homeschooling parent, you dont need a report from your childs teacher to know how he is advancing academically. However, for some reasons you might want to complete an annual assessment of your students progress. Meeting state laws.  The homeschooling laws for many states require that parents write an annual progress report or compile a portfolio for each student. Some parents must submit the report or portfolio to a governing body or an educational liaison while others are only required to keep such documents on file. Assessment of progress.  Writing a progress report also provides a means for objectively assessing how much your students have learned, experienced, and accomplished over the course of the school year. Comparing these reports year after year can reveal your child’s strengths and weaknesses and help you chart their overall academic development. Feedback for the nonteaching parent.  Progress reports can provide an interesting snapshot of your homeschool year for the non-teaching parent. Sometimes the teaching parent, who is with the kids every day, doesn’t realize all the moments that the nonteaching parent misses. Feedback for your students.  A homeschool progress report  can provide valuable feedback for your students, helping them identify areas that need improvement and recognize patterns of strength. Consider having your students complete a self-evaluation to include with the report you write. Providing a keepsake.  Finally, detailed homeschool progress reports become cherished keepsakes over the course of your childs school years. Writing a report for your first-grader may seem an unnecessary  chore, but you’ll read it with fondness when she’s about to graduate high school. What to Include in a Homeschool Progress Report If youve never written a progress report, you may be unsure what you need to include. Your states homeschool laws may dictate the components to some degree. Beyond that, a progress report can be as concise or as detailed as youd like to make it. Basic details.  A homeschool progress report should include basic, factual information about your student, regardless of whether you are required to  submit it  to anyone. You will likely enjoy looking back over these reports as your student  gets older, so be sure to include details such as age and grade level, along with a photo. Resource list. Include a resource list for your school year. This  list may include the titles and authors of your homeschool curriculum, websites visited, and online classes. You may also want to add a course description for the classes your student completed. List the titles of books your children read as well as family read-alouds.  Include outside classes such as co-op, driver’s education,  or music. List any nationally standardized tests your students completed along with their scores. Activities.  List  your student’s  extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or scouting. Note any awards or recognition received. Log volunteer hours, community service, and part-time jobs held. List any field trips taken. Work samples.  You may wish to include work samples such as essays, projects, and artwork. Include photos of hands-on projects that your students complete. You can include completed tests, but dont use those exclusively. Tests dont show the full spectrum of your students education. Even though you and your student may want to forget the areas of struggle, keeping samples that capture them can help you see progress in the coming years. Grades and attendance.  If your state requires a certain number of school days or hours, include that in your report. If you give formal grades, even satisfactory or needs improvement, add those to your progress report. Using a Scope and Sequence to Write a Progress Report One method of writing a progress report is to use the scope and sequence of your homeschool materials to help you outline the skills and concepts your child has started or mastered. A scope and sequence is a list of all the concepts, skills, and topics that the curriculum covers and the order in which they are  introduced. You can find this list in most homeschool curricula. If yours doesnt include it, check the table of contents’ main subheadings for ideas on what to include in your childs progress report. This simple, somewhat clinical method is a quick and easy option for meeting state laws. First,  list each subject you covered in your homeschool during the year. Some examples include: MathHistory/social studiesScienceLanguage artsReadingArtDramaPhysical education Then, under each heading, note the benchmarks your student achieved, along with those that are in progress and those to which he was introduced. For example, under math, you might list accomplishments such as: Skip counting by 2s, 5’s, and 10’sCounting and writing to 100Ordinal numbersAddition and subtractionEstimationGraphing You may want to include a code after each, such as A (achieved), IP (in progress), and I (introduced). In addition to your homeschool curriculum’s scope and sequence, a typical course of study reference may help you to consider all the concepts your student has covered over the year and help you identify those she may need to work on next year. Writing a Narrative Homeschool Progress Report A narrative progress report is another option- a bit more personal and composed in a more conversational style. These can be written as a  journal entry snapshot, indicating what your children have learned each year. With a narrative progress report, you as the homeschool teacher  can highlight a student’s progress, include observations about areas of strength and weakness, and record details about your child’s developmental progress. You can also add notes about any  academic struggles you’ve observed and areas  on which you’d like to focus on in the upcoming year. Whichever method you choose, writing a progress report doesn’t have to be tedious. It’s an opportunity to reflect on all that you and your homeschooled students have accomplished during the year and begin to focus on the promise of the upcoming year.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hededge funds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hededge funds - Essay Example Summary of Data The data used for this exercise consists of monthly returns and Assets under Management (AUM) over a period of ten years (September 1999 – August 2009) for over 28 hedge funds. The information on these sample hedge funds was obtained from the EurekaHedge database which stores information on over 21,000 hedge funds. The sample hedge funds follow one of the following strategies typical of financial institutions operating in this domain: Long/Short Equities CTA/Managed Futures Multi-Strategy Arbitrage The table below details results of the results from the Monte Carlo and the Historical simulation methods using the sample data. Historical Monte Carlo             prob Not Losing prob Number of run > 50% Not losing Not Losing prob Number of run > 50% Drift SD Mean    98.90% 9814 13.05% 1,354 98.95% 9865 13.10% 1319 0.45% 1.59% 0.46% Arbitrage 86.56% 8600 53.01% 5,363 86.02% 8532 53.20% 5371 0.76% 5.63% 0.92% CTA/Managed Futures 87.53% 8729 58.98% 5,944 85. 10% 8434 56.77% 5779 0.86% 6.65% 1.08% Multi-Strategy 86.98% 8611 55.45% 5,595 87.10% 8661 52.53% 5331 0.74% 5.19% 0.88% Long/Short Equities The above results show that the mean monthly returns (lowest to highest) for each fund class are 0.46% (Arbitrage), 0.88% (Long-Short Equities), 0.92% (CTA-Managed Futures) and 1.08% (Multi-Strategy). The dispersion (Standard Deviation - SD) of returns among these fund classes follows the same order suggesting that Arbitrage funds have the lowest mean and the lowest SD while Multi-Strategy funds exhibit the highest mean and highest SD. Summary of Approaches used The analysis uses both the Monte Carlo and the Historical simulation methods for answering the key questions listed previously. The Monte Carlo Simulation method depends on the formulation of an appropriate model that can suitably explain and analyze the monthly returns used as input for this analysis. To model the behaviour of these monthly returns, the concept of geometric Brownian Mo tion (BM) was specified (Rubinstein, 2008). The BM used in this context is a Markov Process which simply means that the monthly returns follow a random walk and exhibit behaviour consistent with the weak form of the EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) (Robert, 2004). This implies that the Monte Carlo method in this case utilizes the fact that movements in monthly returns are conditionally independent from such movements during previous periods. Under the Monte Carlo Method, a number of iterations for each test case was conducted to analyze the deterministic model configured using a sequence of random numbers generated as inputs. This simulation technique is especially useful when modelling non-linear, uncertain and complex parameters (Hammersley, 2005). On an average, the current simulations utilize between 5500 and 9000 iterations under any given test case. The Historical Simulation method, also known as back simulation, is part of the Value at Risk (VaR) approach which also utilizes a large number of iterations like the Monte Carlo method. As the name suggests, the Historical method depends on past information on monthly returns (unlike the Monte Carlo method that depends on random input) and simulates useful results through the construction of a CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) of these monthly returns over time) (Dowd, 2009). Key Findings Monte Carlo Method On the question of the chances of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Financial strain in the family Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial strain in the family - Assignment Example standing of family resources makes the parties aware of the strain; hence they try to support each other in order to work out the daily problems that may arise. The book also discusses a vital aspect that is considered a link to a happy marriage. This aspect is known as the gender wage gap. Studies have revealed that, in every family, the two spouses are likely to be earning salaries, but one of them is most likely to earn more than the other. In a case where the earnings of the two have a wide gap; marriage is bound to have troubles (Degenova et al., 2010). However, if the gender wage gap can be narrowed such that no party complains or seems ignored a family is bound to be happy. Therefore, the gender wage gap should be made slim such that the difference cannot be noticed. Lastly, debts are essential in marriage since it trains partners on trustworthiness. For a family to live in peace both parties should be trustworthy. Trustworthiness also applies to paying out debts since one’s honesty and trust is always considered before being given debts. Therefore, the two aspects (trust and honesty) are also essential for a family to be

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jean Piaget Essay Example for Free

Jean Piaget Essay My own beliefs about early childhood education are based upon the knowledge that childrens growth is developmental. It seems very clear to me that a high quality early childhood program must provide a safe and nurturing environment which promotes a broad spectrum of support for the childs physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. I strongly agree with the tenets of the National Association for the Education of Young childrenthat high quality, developmentally appropriate programs should be available to all children (Bredekamp Rosegrant, 1992, p. 7). Children under the age of eight have enormous potential for growth and achievement, and it is my belief that they have rights to fulfill their possibilities. A separate statement of the NAEYC divides the concept of appropriateness into two aspectsage appropriateness and individual appropriateness (Bredekamp, 1987, p. 2). This statement coincides with my belief that children are unique individuals who may or may not reflect the usual characteristics of other children of their same age. Furthermore, I believe that a developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children is correctly tailored to the specifics of each age group. Different ages have different needs, interests, and developmental tasks, and the curriculum should reflect those variations. The most effective early childhood curriculum offers creative expression, social and emotional interaction, child-adult communication, child-child communication, physical expression, knowledge acquisition, reasoning practice, risk-taking, and personal autonomy. Early childhood learning happens through play. In this case, play is a serious matter, although it is quite fun to all involved. Children learn by doing and actively participating. When given the opportunity to explore, children flourish. They experiment, make choices, achieve strength and a sense of belonging as an effective individual within the context of a supportive, safe group. It is my belief that early childhood learning must happen in an integrated manner. Children of this age are too young for rigidly separated subject matter, and the skillful teacher of young children easily integrates the physical, emotional, social, creative, and cognitive areas of early learning. Role of Child as a Learner Johann Pestalozzi and Froebel, two of the earliest professionals in early childhood education, championed the development of the quality of early childhood theory and practice. Pestalozzi contended that young children learn most effectively by doing, by playing, and by interacting with the environmentthe physical world and other children (McCarthy Houston, 1980, p. 4). Early, effective learning happens best in a mixed age group, multi-cultural settings,  Froebel, like Pestalozzi, believed that play is of paramount importance in the development of the child, and that the emotional quality of the childs life (relationship with parents and other significant people) profoundly permeates the quality of the childs life (McCarthy Houston, 1980, p. 6). Pestalozzi did not particularly formalize his theories and methods, but he had a very good intuitive grasp of the necessity for language development, nurturing environments, and healthy relationships for children as a springboard for optimum learning. The child as a learner has cognitive needs, and these vary according to the age of the child. Piaget became famous for his work in the cognitive domain, and his guidelines of pre-operational thought to more sophisticated abstract thinking are useful for teachers who wish to be careful about not expecting too much from children who are operating at a lower cognitive level (DeVries Kohlberg, 1987, p. 54). His work was rather theoretical, and others (principally Kamii and DeVries) have expanded Piagets theory to widen its practical usefulness in early childhood classrooms. The young child learns from the motivation of a need to know, and most early learning takes place in the context of the home and relationship with parents and other family members. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, one of the earliest workers in the area of developmental psychology and psychopathology, believed that childrens learning happens within the framework of the childs activities and is greatly influenced by the society and values of the persons near the child. The entire field of child development then consists of an endless stream of dialectical conflicts and resolutions, with the resolutions then internalized to form the childs increasingly sophisticated physical and psychological knowledge (Thomas, 1992, p. 322). John Deweys progressive education movement greatly affected thinking and practice for teachers desiring to arrange an appropriate environment for young learners. Dewey was one of the most influential educational philosophers in the United States in the early 1900s and his influence is still felt in the 1990s (McCarthy Houston, 1980, p.6). Dewey and other forward-thinking professionals of his time believed that learning should be based upon the childrens interests and that children should be actively involved in their education. Before Deweys time, most classroom activity consisted of teachers instructing passive, obedient listeners. Deweys work provided a solid philosophical basis for early childhood educators who desire to integrate subject matter into whatever the children are actively involved with at the moment. Dewey contended that any kind of life experience is valuable for learning. Dewey was humanistic in his orientation, and his work spoke to the importance of human interest, value, and dignity (McCarthy Houston, 1980, p. 8). Abraham Maslow was one of the first psychologists to emphasize the importance of various needs being met before other, higher needs come into focus. He placed the physical needs at the bottom of his needs hierarchy, followed by the need for love and belonging. Physically, children at young ages grow and change dramatically from year to year, and the alert, educated teacher will firmly grasp the necessity of a balanced program of large muscle activity, small muscle play, outdoor opportunities for expression of vigorous excess energy, and small motor expressive activity (Bredekamp, 1987, p. 56). Psychologically, children must feel safe before they are able to explore and learn. Children learn through social interaction with adults and other children, and their learning begins with awareness, moving through cycles of exploration, questioning, and application. Vygotsky viewed each childs learning in terms of that childs own ontogenetic development. Each experience of the child comes about as a result of the childs prior experiences of problem-solving and problem resolution (Thomas, 1992, p. 323). Mitchell, a student of John Dewey, also emphasized the necessity of learning within the context of the group. She believed that education for a democratic society begins at a very young age and she placed great importance on young children learning to cooperate and operate within a group (McCarthy Houston, 1980, p. 9). Carl Jung did a great deal of research and writing in the areas of variation of personality types, and his concepts lead us to believe that some individuals do their best work completely alone, even at a very young age. Carl Rogers also wrote about the importance of the individual contemplative experience. Like Maslow, Rogers as a humanistic psychologist believed in the importance of the human, individual aspect of learning. He saw learning as a change in self-organization. These learnings may be threatening and happen best in a psychologically safe, supportive environment (Rogers, 1969, p. 159). Although Rogers work primarily applied to the therapeutic counseling situation, it has great application to anyone dedicated to assisting others learn more about themselves. Role of the Teacher in the Learning Process Carl Rogers also had definite views on the nature of learning and the role of the teacher. He said that people learn by doing and by activities which involve the whole person (Rogers, 1969, p. 162). He contended that the most useful learning is the learning of the process of learning so that practical problems of living in a changing society may find successful solutions. According to Rogers and others who have followed similar philosophies, teachers are guides and facilitators. They set a creative, stimulating, supportive environment which enhances the childs natural curiosity about life around him. The astute early childhood educator provides a variety of activities, objects, events, materials and people which will assist the children in channelling their innate drive to learn. The best teachers are current in the understandings of fads and characters that appeal to young childrentelevision shows, favorite foods, clothing, and stories that are modern. Young children tune out adults who simply do not understand current culture. In this way, responsible teachers bring multicultural awareness into the classroom as well as information and materials relevant to their own ethnic background. Mixed classrooms provide an excellent opportunity to teach trust, respect, pride, appreciation of differences, and orderly group problem-solving (McCracken, 1993, p. 55). The teacher sets the tone for self acceptance and the acceptance of others. The effective early childhood teacher is an active learner, regardless of her own age, and this type of professional engages children in active participation with materials that are genuinely interesting to the children. This type of adult extends the childs learning with skillful questioning and acceptance of error through experimentation. The well-versed teacher understands the various levels of cognitive learning, Piagets theories, and Blooms Taxonomy so that children are guided and encouraged, but never forced into an intellectual level that is not appropriate. Responsible early childhood teachers respect the individual styles of the students at all times, as well as the various cultures from which they originate. The emotional tone in the best early childhood environments is one of warmth, high self-esteem, and safety. Creative expression is welcomed, even if the forms prove to be highly unusual. Mitchell advocated creative expression of the whole child, through conversation, art, music, dance, and story-telling (McCarthy Houston, 1980, p. 9). Cooperative learning and family involvement provide rich resources for respect among individuals and groups of a variety of different cultures. Skillful teachers in multicultural settings will recognize those values which must be basic (respect for the human body and rules for group interaction) and encourage the expression of the varieties and nuances specific to the individual ethnic group (McCracken, 1993, p. 65). Role of Peers in Learning The National Association for the Education of Young Children strongly advocates the guidance of social-emotional development in the classroom. Teachers have the responsibility for positive modeling, encouraging expected behavior, redirecting inappropriate actions, and setting clear limits. With this type of skilled teaching, children learn the social skills of cooperation, helping, negotiation, and verbal communication. In order for these important social skills to happen, teachers must depart from the traditional modes of instructing, placing children at individual desks, and spending a great deal of time as referee or punisher (Bredekamp, 1987, p. 55). CLASSROOM PRACTICES It is evident from the previous writing that effective teaching requires the logical, ethical translation of teaching philosophy into classroom implementation. Most importantly, all activities for young children must be developmentally appropriate to the age (Bredekamp Rosegrant, 1992). This is true across the board in every subject matter and in every aspect of the childs beingphysical, emotional, social, cognitive, and spiritual. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION In order to be an effective early childhood teacher, I must know my own philosophy, limitations, prejudices, and strengths. In general, I prefer five-year olds, and honestly, I am more comfortable with students of this age who are from my own cultural background. I lean philosophically towards the concepts of Pestalozzi and Froebel as well as the humanistic psychologists who followed in this country. Most of all I strive to provide age-appropriate materials and experiences for the children. References Bredekamp, S. (1987). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Washington, D. C. : NAEYC. Bredekamp, S. , Rosegrant, T. (Editors) (1992). Reaching potentials: Appropriate curriculum and assessment for young children, Volume 1. Washington, D. C. : NAEYC. DeVries, R. , Kohlberg, L. (1987). Constructivism early education: Overview and comparison with other programs: Washington, D. C. : NAEYC. McCarthy, M. , Houston, J. (1980). Fundamentals of early childhood education. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers. McCracken, J. B. (1993). Valuing diversity: The primary years. Washington, D. C. NAEYC. Rogers, C. (1969). Freedom to learn. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill. Thomas, R. M. (1992). Comparing theories of child development, Third Edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The High Cost of Obesity :: Health

Today, as values of living continue to boost, weight increase and obesity are posing a rising threat to certain well-beings in countries all over the world. Obesity, now confirmed as a nationwide endemic by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is likely to get worse and amplify over time. â€Å"The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults in the world by 2015 and more than 700 million of them will be obese† (Obesity: in Statistics, 2008, 2nd Statement). It is definite that most kids are inclined to eat junk food, and it is certain that most kids will become overweight as adults. About 15% of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years are overweight, which is an increase of 4% from the 1988-1994 NHANES study† (Chatterjee, Blakely, & Barton, 2005, p. 24). Statistics of obese persons in the United States alone are also greater in certain cultural and ethnic minority groups, especially African American and His panics. â€Å"Between 1986 and 1998, incidences of being overweight increased significantly among African American children by 21.5% and for Hispanic children by 21.8%. That is nearly almost  ¼ of the population! Among all low-income children, the prevalence of being overweight was found to be highest among Latino children by (12%) followed by Asian-Pacific Islander (9.6%), African American (7.8%) and Whites (7.1%)† (Chatterjee, Blakely, &Barton, 2005, p. 24,) â€Å"The total cost of obesity by some estimates is $100 billion annually. Others estimated the cost of health care for obesity alone is $70 billion† (Wellman, Friedberg, S705, 2002). Obesity and its economic costs stand on three levels. First, obesity can hurt a person financially, with doctor visits, and such. Secondly, obesity can cut into the costs of businesses (presuming the overweight are working, but they may not be, due to their state), due to lost efficiency. There is about 40 million workdays of productivity lost among overweight individuals. Other issues include non-attendance, underachievement, and raised insurance payments. (Wellman, Friedberg, 2002, p.705) Furthermore, being overweight has an effect on expenses by neighboring, state, and nationwide governments. Obesity is my topic of interest because as a future elementary teacher, I want to raise awareness of the consequences that obesity may have among children. I hope to teach all children the importance o f eating healthy so that they can become happy, healthy adults. Obesity is a huge problem that is strongly influenced by the sociological factors such media and the American culture. The High Cost of Obesity :: Health Today, as values of living continue to boost, weight increase and obesity are posing a rising threat to certain well-beings in countries all over the world. Obesity, now confirmed as a nationwide endemic by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is likely to get worse and amplify over time. â€Å"The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults in the world by 2015 and more than 700 million of them will be obese† (Obesity: in Statistics, 2008, 2nd Statement). It is definite that most kids are inclined to eat junk food, and it is certain that most kids will become overweight as adults. About 15% of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years are overweight, which is an increase of 4% from the 1988-1994 NHANES study† (Chatterjee, Blakely, & Barton, 2005, p. 24). Statistics of obese persons in the United States alone are also greater in certain cultural and ethnic minority groups, especially African American and His panics. â€Å"Between 1986 and 1998, incidences of being overweight increased significantly among African American children by 21.5% and for Hispanic children by 21.8%. That is nearly almost  ¼ of the population! Among all low-income children, the prevalence of being overweight was found to be highest among Latino children by (12%) followed by Asian-Pacific Islander (9.6%), African American (7.8%) and Whites (7.1%)† (Chatterjee, Blakely, &Barton, 2005, p. 24,) â€Å"The total cost of obesity by some estimates is $100 billion annually. Others estimated the cost of health care for obesity alone is $70 billion† (Wellman, Friedberg, S705, 2002). Obesity and its economic costs stand on three levels. First, obesity can hurt a person financially, with doctor visits, and such. Secondly, obesity can cut into the costs of businesses (presuming the overweight are working, but they may not be, due to their state), due to lost efficiency. There is about 40 million workdays of productivity lost among overweight individuals. Other issues include non-attendance, underachievement, and raised insurance payments. (Wellman, Friedberg, 2002, p.705) Furthermore, being overweight has an effect on expenses by neighboring, state, and nationwide governments. Obesity is my topic of interest because as a future elementary teacher, I want to raise awareness of the consequences that obesity may have among children. I hope to teach all children the importance o f eating healthy so that they can become happy, healthy adults. Obesity is a huge problem that is strongly influenced by the sociological factors such media and the American culture.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nurse’s Song by William Blake Essay

Compare and contrast the two versions of â€Å"Nurse’s Song†, showing how Blake illustrates the concepts of Innocence and Experience The Blakean concept of â€Å"Innocence† is focused on purity, vulnerability, trust and harmony – often illuminated through the use of children. For â€Å"Experience† the crux is on remorse, regrets and the general loss of innocence. In the two versions of â€Å"Nurse’s Song† children are used to bring out both the innocent and experienced side of the nurse. In the â€Å"Innocence† version of the poem, a repeated word pattern is used. It is reminiscent of children’s chants and nursery rhymes because of the buoyant, song-like rhythm. â€Å"Come, come leave off play†, â€Å"No, no let us play†, â€Å"Well, well go and play†. This emphasises the childlike, infantile tone of the poem bringing out the innocent, simplistic nature. It also shines a juvenile light on the nurse, which to a reader in an experienced state of mind, gives off a forced, unrealistic innocence. The use of sound in the â€Å"Innocence† version of â€Å"Nurse’s Song† is very apparent. It relates to the sounds made by the children, heard by the nurse; â€Å"laughing is heard on the hill,† this paints a pleasant picture, an unmistakeably happy image for the reader. It puts the rest of the poem into an idyllic, dreamlike context, giving a slightly surreal edge to the verses that follow. The final line â€Å"And all the hills ecchoed†, could be seen as a use of pathetic fallacy in that the children are laughing and shouting, and the hills ‘echo’ them – everything in this idealistic world is content and perfect, a utopia of purity, trust and openness. â€Å"The little ones leaped & shouted & laugh’d†, this list is presented in a puerile fashion, further illustrating the concept of innocence in the nurse herself. By using â€Å"&† instead of a comma, it makes the reader feel as if the nurse has a childlike perspective on the scene, as her narration uses basic, one-dimensional lexis giving an unsophisticated and uncomplicated view of the world. The harmonious relationship between the children and the nurse makes her seem straightforward and pure, and also inexperienced in her trust in the children. When the children refuse her request to go home to bed, she simply allows them to carry on in their own way â€Å"Well, well, go & play till the light fades away† showing her faith in the reliability of the children and simultaneously giving her an air of naivety, and reinforcing her innocence in that she is clearly open to receiving the pleasures of life. It also shows how unworldly she is, how she is blissfully unaware of the dangers around and simply concerned that the children should be in bed when the day turns to night. In the â€Å"Experience† version of â€Å"Nurse’s Song† the reader feels a distinctly bitter tone given off by the nurse. An underlying message of a bad childhood, or a disturbing youth is given off when she says â€Å"The days of my youth rise fresh in my mind, / My face turns green and pale†. To some this could imply a feeling of jealousy in the nurse, green being an indication of envy – showing the nurse envying the children’s innocence and happiness. However, I think it is simply a device to show how their purity and their inexperience are nauseating to the nurse; how it reminds her of her childhood, and how she has lost that youth and vulnerability and is sickened by her current self. In the second stanza of the â€Å"Experience† version, the first two lines are the same, although they seem somewhat more ominous because of the context. â€Å"Then come home my children, the sun is gone down / And the dews of night arise;† Also there are no speech marks around these phrases, unlike the â€Å"Innocence† version. It means that it is not direct speech from the nurse to the children, but rather an insight into the thoughts of the nurse – disguised and dark – leaving the reader with a nervous energy given off by the eerie mannerisms of the nurse. A contrast between the two poems is in the second line of the first stanza. In â€Å"Innocence† it says â€Å"and laughing is heard on the hill,† but in â€Å"Experience† it says â€Å"and whisp’rings are in the dale.† The obvious difference is between the â€Å"laughing† and the â€Å"whisp’rings†. Laughter is a sound of happiness and gaiety, but whispering has an air of secrecy, deceit and isolation. This is an obvious contrast in the levels of communication between the two states, the honest and open laughter in â€Å"Innocence† almost an antithesis to the guarded, furtive whispering. Another difference between the two is that in â€Å"Innocence† the laughter is taking place â€Å"on the hill† – an exposed place, safe and high above everything, easily seen and obvious to all. But in â€Å"Experience† the whispering is taking place â€Å"in the dale.† This is a hidden place, dark and difficult to see for the nurse – secretive. This subtle difference changes the tone completely between the two poems. â€Å"Your spring & your day are wasted in play, / And your winter and night in disguise.† These final two lines of the poem, I feel, are the most bitter and disparaging of all. Some may say that the seasons of â€Å"spring† and â€Å"winter† are metaphorical, for the â€Å"winter of your life† – the darker days, the older, more experienced times; the â€Å"spring† representing youth, purity and innocence. As though the nurse is saying that when you have the capacity to embrace the gift of â€Å"innocence†, your naivety and inexperience stop you from truly realising what you have and it is then â€Å"wasted in play†; frittered away in the menial enjoyment of life. But once that innocence is lost, you enter the winter of your life, â€Å"in disguise† – hiding from those that remind you of your innocence, and those that can see your experience. However another interpretation could be that literally in the daytime, during the spring and winter and at night you are always wasting your time; so no matter what you do time is passing by and you are gradually moving from a state of innocence to experience. That time is squandered in useless, unhelpful ways. The nurse’s bitterness is expressed in her realisation of this desecration of such a precious thing. It seems premeditated and as though she has reminisced over her youthful times and understood her mistakes; as if she has discovered how she’s capitulated to the ideals of â€Å"experience† and is unable to return to her candid, childlike self. I feel that overall, the message given by the â€Å"Experience† poem is one of bitterness, remorse and resentment. The darker tone of the poem gives it a deeper meaning – to embrace every second or to become a character like the nurse in this version: cheated in life and cynical about others. However, the playful, childlike â€Å"Innocence† version is far less evocative and conceives a simpler idea, to laugh and play â€Å"till the light fades away and the dew of night arise†.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Compair Voyages by Chinese Fleet in Early 1400s to Voyages of Lberians

Cody Gundick History Oct 8, 2012 History Essay For most of the last several thousand years, it would have seemed far likelier that Chinese or Indians, not Europeans, would dominate the world by the year 2000, and that America and Australia would be settled by Chinese rather than by the inhabitants of a backward island called Britain. (The Prequel, Kristof p552) The voyages by the Chinese fleet were very different but had some similarities to the voyages of the Liberians. The Portuguese and Spaniards had different goals, because of their heritage, in the voyages.Depending on what Spanish voyage it was the captain of the voyages were different but sometimes similar in some ways. The Chinese were far more advanced in technology that the Spaniards or the Portuguese were. Westerners often attribute their economic advantage today to the intelligence, democratic habits, or hard word of their forebears, but a more important reason may well have been the folly of fifteenth-century Chinese rul ers. (The Prequel, Kristof p. 553) Zheng He was a muslin from a rebel family and had seized by the Chinese army when he was a boy.The turning point in the 1400s was when Admiral Zheng He sailed from China to concur the world on several voyages. One captain similar to Zheng He was Vasco da Gama. In 1497 the Portuguese seaman led a fleet of for ships around the southern tip of Africa into the Indian Ocean. He kind of copied off of Bartolomeu Dias but Vasco da Gama didn’t return back to Portugal. Both of those men worked for their king while Zheng He did it all for himself. Not to be selfish, he didn’t keep all the knowledge he got for himself he just went on the expeditions and didn’t have to take orders from anyone.Vasco da Gama was trying to give riches to his king but he failed when none of his worthless gifts were successful. However, his voyages were all about trade routs. They were looking for another way to get to Europe instead of taking the treacherous wa y across the land. ZHeng He was not interested in trade routs nor with Europe at all. Another captain that has to take orders from a king is Christopher Columbus. He was an Italian sailor from Genoa. He tried to sail west to Asia but as many people know today that is impossible.Columbus reached the Caribbean islands thinking he was by China and Japan. Zheng He would probably laugh in Columbus’s face if Christopher came up to Zheng and asked him to fund his voyages. First Columbus named the islands after his king and queen then he wandered around looking for big cities. He was greatly interested in the people and wanted to learn their speech and ways. Zheng He would have showed up to the island, took one leader and some interesting items back home and try to learn about it from there.If Columbus had as much power, money, and technology as Zheng He there voyages wouldn’t have been much different. The goals of the Spaniards were far different from those of Zheng He. As I said before Zheng He was not concerned in spreading his religions, customs, or technologies. He just wanted to learn about the world in his own way. Yes he had a lot of soldiers but he didn’t capture and concur land with them. He just plundered the lands for knowledge and items. A far different captain from Zheng He was Hernan Cortes.Cortes, of minor noble descent, at the age of nineteen sailed to the Indies, where he established a big estate on the island of Hispaniola. When he heard stories of Montezuma’s gold he was determined to take it from him. (The Conquest of New Spain, Bernal Diaz p598) Unlike Columbus and Zheng He, Cortes geared up for war. He brought 500 soldiers, eleven ships, 16 horses, and several pieces of artillery. (The Conquest of New Spain, Bernal Diaz p598) Cortes still had to follow the rules of his leader but he later disobeyed him and became a wanted man back as his country.Cortes was not interested in trade or economic issues to better his home country. He was determined to have everything for him self and to try spread Christianity to please the king. That also comes with trying to in slave all of the Indians. That he did after he used his brilliant strategy to kill Montezuma and take over the city. The only thing that Zheng He did badly for himself was when he wanted to get items that he had nothing to give in return beside Peaceful power projection. It was that Zheng He promised to ally with the people that gave him what he wanted.The Spaniards did terrible things to the Indians. The took infants from their mothers breast, snatching hem by the legs and pitching them headfirst against the crags or snatched them by the arms and threw them into the rivers, roaring with laughter and saying as the babies fell into the water, Boil there you offspring of the devil. (The Devastation of the Indies, Bartolome De Las Casas p615) If Zheng He had that kind of attitude of capture and concur he could have easily done it. But thank god he didn’t.Zheng He, in my opinion, could do anything he wanted. China was the worlds powerhouse and I wish Zheng He went to the Indians before the Spaniards to give them Peaceful Power Projection because he could have allied with them and gave them protection from the evil blood thirsty Spaniards. Even though he was behind in time China was far more advanced than any other country. In Zheng He’s time, China and India together accounted for more than half of the world’s gross national produce. (The Prequel, Kristof p553) As they have for most of history.In 1820 China accounted for 29% of the global economy and India another 16%, according to the calculations of Angus Maddison, a leading British economic historian. Zheng He’s fleet was far bigger than any Spanish or Portugal fleet. Not until World War I did the west mount anything comparable to his fleet. His ships were filled with 28,000 sailors on 300 ships, (The Prequel, Kristof p552) and all he was con cerned about was learning. Zheng He could have easily continued around the Cape of Good Hope and established direct trade with Europe.But as they saw it Europe was a backward region and China had little interest in it. (The Prequel, Kristof p554) Because China was not driven by conquest or imperialistic domination I would have much rather be a soldier on his ship than any other ship sponsored by a king and queen. To conclude, the Spanish were concerned about spreading Christianity, Portugal wanted trade, that’s probably why they had one of the greatest ports, and China, well just the emperor wanted to learn about the world around him. Too bad that was not continued after his death.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Genetic Engineering Ethics Essay Sample

Genetic Engineering Ethics Essay Sample Genetic Engineering Ethics Essay Genetic engineering is the integration between biological and engineering applications that the population does not recognize up to this day. This is because it is a profession that does not show their process in the public due to the issue of morality and ethical jurisprudence. However, most companies utilize genetic engineering as a way to modify the food source to become productive. These are companies who are engaged in the production of food products to supply the growing number of consumers with perishable items. Genetic engineering is considered important because of the functionality and existence help to sustain the survival of organisms such as humans and animals. The practice of genetic engineering is widely applied to manufacturing plants where they integrate the use of technology with biological life. You may not be aware that the food that you consume on a daily basis is manufactured using genetic engineering applications. One example is instant foods that are packed in plastic, box, or cans that are usually available in supermarkets or grocery stores in your area. Processed meats are also considered genetically engineered because it used numerous experimentation applications by scientists and researchers to improve the quality of taste as well as its effect on the body. The reason behind is that companies want to prevent any risk for safety for all consumers who want to try their product. Fast food companies are heavy users of genetic engineering because the majority of their food is genetically engineered by their production facilities. One reported scenario is when there is one fast food chain that is producing chickens with three pairs of legs to ensure the growing demand of the population around the world. Genetic engineering has been under criticism due to their practice of modifying organisms. The main critic is the church, which rejects the practice of genetically modified organisms because it violates the principles of morality. Modification of organism for food has been questioned because it portrays the credibility of the company for promoting products that are naturally grown. In this case, the value of modified organism that is sold for food or items that support physical activity is sometimes denied by conservative government institutions. All organisms should not be artificially grown because it destroys the essence of promoting a product that is made up of artificial mixtures. Sometimes, companies who are involved in genetic engineering practice to their products are summoned for inquest proceedings by the lawmakers of a certain country to determine if there are laws that were violated for modifying products with artificial materials. In the present era, genetic engineering may not be a comfortable topic for the general public because it generates debate. This is because conservative groups reject the concept about modifying the natural elements of our environment. However, with the rising population and the growing need for space, genetic engineering helps to sustain humanity’s survival. This is because genetic engineering might be the answer for the growing scarcity of resources that are responsible for depleting the food supply around the world. Underdeveloped countries are unable to provide food for their community due to the lack of natural resource to feed its population. With the existence of genetic engineering, it can help save our environment by allowing an additional source of food supply to prevent hunger and famine that impacts the health and longevity of the population (Pollack, 2015). Genetic engineering is applied in the pharmacological industry wherein medical practitioners are aiming to find a cure to a certain disease. Vaccination is a clear product of genetic engineering because it values the significance of finding a new solution to improve the quality of life for every patient. When there are new medications that are now being processed, medically tested, and approved, it becomes a commodity in the market so that people can have an access to the newly formulated medication to improve their health care status. In medicine, the creation of modified structure through the creation of new medicine aims to prevent the spread of a disease that is considered deadly and potentially hazardous to the population. Although it is challenged by the warriors of conservativism, genetics still continue to incorporate scientific studies and experimentation to benefit the interest of the population. In order to understand the mechanics of genetic engineering, it is important to learn more about the function of this particular application. The reason behind is to orient the public regarding the benefits of this application that can provide a justifiable functionality in the future. Genetic engineering is a product of human’s critical decision-making process to ensure that the safety of the public is always ensured. The general goal of genetic engineering is the sustainability of every individual to live a longer life. Even if there are challenges that are stressed by interest groups, genetic engineering still proves that there is more beneficial impact that it produced rather than risking the lives of the public. If there are violations committed by companies using genetic engineering to their consumers or interest groups, then the local government unit can apprehend the situation. Reference Pollack, Andrew (2015).  Genetically Engineered Salmon Approved for Consumption.  The New York Times.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bowen Family Systems

Bowen Family System Theory Introduction In doing my studies on family/systemic counselling, I found Bowen’s theory intriguing. In my work and everyday life, I witness triangulation on a daily basis, from my own experience, without the awareness from this module, I was often entwined in triangulation. As a trainee therapist I decided to write my paper on Bowenian Therapy in order to gain a better understanding and develop my awareness. Murray Bowen, M. D. (31 January 1913 9 October 1990) was an American psychiatrist and a professor in Psychiatry at the Georgetown University. Bowen was among the pioneers of family therapy and founders of systemic therapy. â€Å"The family systems theory is a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen that suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. Families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understood in isolation from the system† (Genopro. com 18/11/2010) Bowen’s interest in family began as he was practicing as a psychiatrist in the 1940s. He focused on schizophrenic patient’s emotional relationships with their mothers. Others have called it a symbiosis relationship, but for him it was only an exaggerated natural process of emotional relationship. In 1954 he started to hospitalize the entire family of the sick (schizophrenic) person. He found out that the entire family suffered with the sick person emotionally. He also studied the relationship between mother-child symbioses. This involved a certain repetitive pattern, where he observed alternating patterns of closeness and distance. They portrayed sensitive emotional tensions caused by separation anxiety and incorporation anxiety. In 1959 he started working with families with less severe problems. Surprisingly these families displayed the same problems as the disturbed families. He concluded that there is no discontinuity between the normal and disturbed families but vary along a continuum line of emotional fusion to differentiation. Bowen was one of the first to realize that the history of our family creates a template which shapes the values, thoughts, and experiences of each generation, as well as how that generation passes down these things to the next generation. Bowens theory focuses on the balance of two forces togetherness and individuality. Too much togetherness can prevent individuality, or developing ones own sense of self whereas too much individuality results in a distant and estranged family. The theory looks at the family as a system and describes the complex interactions that exist in any one unit. The way members of a family are connected and the way they react to one another makes the functioning of family members interdependent. According to the theory, mental illness happens as a result of emotional fusion. This can happen when there is an increase in the level of emotions and anxiety in the family. Bowen introduced eight interlocking concepts to explain family development and functioning. Below I will provide an overview of each concept. Differentiation of Self The first concept is Differentiation of Self, or the ability to separate feelings and thoughts. Undifferentiated people can not separate feelings and thoughts; They have difficulty thinking logically because when asked to think they are flooded with feelings, so this makes It difficult for them to base their responses on their own logical thinking. They also have difficulty differentiating between their feelings and the feelings of others. They look to their family to define how they think about issues, feel about people, and interpret their experiences. Differentiation is the process of freeing yourself from your familys processes to define yourself so you can have different opinions and values than your family members, but are still capable of staying emotionally connected to them. It means being able to calmly reflect on a conflicted interaction afterward, realising your wn role in it, and then choosing a different response for the future. Triangles Triangles are the basic units of systems. They balance between closeness and distance. The third person or party brings unity and creates continuity in warring situation. The triangle brings stressed person into a manageable level of operation. This involves true listening and gives a true advice for a better solution. In it virtually all relationships are shadowed by third parti es. For example when a couple have an argument, afterwards, one of the partners may call their friend to talk about the fight. The third person helps them reduce their anxiety and take action, or calm their strong emotions and reflect, and make decision. People who are more undifferentiated are likely to triangulate others and be triangulated whereas people who are differentiated cope well with life and relationship stress, and as a result are less likely to triangulate others or be triangulated. The Nuclear Family Emotional Process These are the emotional patterns in a family that continue over generations. This involves a modeling scenario where a family member models and imitates the behaviour and even the language of his or her parents. For example, a parent who teaches his or her children to be happy when things are ok and sad when things are bad shapes the future thinking of those children. Here the parent passes on an emotional view of the world (the emotional process), which is taught throughout generation from parent to a child, in a nuclear family. Reactions to this process can range from open conflict, to physical or emotional problems in one family member, to reactive distancing. This will bring problems with family members like substance abuse, mental illness and irresponsibility. The Multigenerational Transmission Process This process entails the way family emotional processes are transferred and maintained over generations. This captures how the whole family joins in The Family Projection Process, for example, by reinforcing the beliefs of the family. As the family continues this pattern over generations, they also refer back to previous generations (Hes just like his Uncle he was always irresponsible too or Shes just like your cousin Mary she was divorced four times. ). Sibling Position Bowen believed In sibling order and that each child had a place in the family hierarchy. He believed that the oldest sibling was more likely to be seen as overly responsible and mature whilst the youngest as overly irresponsible and immature. Emotional Cut-off Emotional cut-off refers to the techniques people use to reduce anxiety from their unresolved emotional issues with parents, siblings, and other members from the family of origin. Some people seek distance either by moving away physically or emotionally using silence, diversion or avoidance of difficult and hurtful topics. To avoid sensitive issues, they may move away from their families and refuse to go home regularly. This strategy may work in the short term to reduce immediate anxiety but over time, the deeper, unresolved problems are toxic towards other relationships. An open relationship is the opposite of emotional cut-off. It is the best way to reduce a familys over-all anxiety. Continued low anxiety permits family members who would like to, to begin the slow steps to better differentiation. Bowen wrote, It might be difficult for a family with severe cut-offs to begin more emotional contact with the extended family, but any effort toward reducing the cut-off with the extended family will soften the intensity of the family problem, reduce the symptoms, and make any kind of therapy far more productive. Societal Emotional Processes The concept of societal emotional process describes how the emotional system governs behaviour on a societal level, promoting both progressive and regressive periods in a society. Cultural forces are important in how a society functions but are insufficient for explaining the rise and fall in how well societies adapt to the challenges that face them. The society’s attitudes towards for example different races, cl asses, genders and sexual orientation, have definite effects on the family. In many ways, this is like the Family Projection Process scaled up to the level of a society as a whole. The way a family deals with prejudice, discrimination and persecution is instinctively passed on to their children so that they can survive in their unique environment. The coping practices of the parents and extended family may lead to more or less adaptive emotional health for the family and its members. Normal Family Development According to Bowen, all families lie along a continuum. Bowen believed that all families lie on a spectrum or continuum and that it is difficult to try to classify families into types. If circumstances change, one type of family could change and become another type of family. For this reason, Bowen is credited with being one of the first culturally sensitive family therapists. A normal, adjusted family will have tensions and anxieties but will be balanced in terms of their togetherness and differentiation. A normal family will have good emotional balance and recognise that some problems are external and others come from the individual. There are connections between the different generations in the family and also to the extended family. The transitions for example from adolescence to adulthood are smooth and supported by the wider family. Past pains and joys are shared. Bowen says no matter how we transform and forget the past, these memories of our relationship, still stay alive in us. The danger is the way our former family attachment will shape our new family. At various times difficulties in different relationships, sometimes called dyads, are resolved without drawing in others into their difficulties. The ability to tolerate and support family members with different views supports differentiation and is a sign of a healthy family. Awareness of external societal influences as well as the unique family influences helps a family to become well adjusted. During times of grief and loneliness for example, family members give space and allow the person opportunity to grow. A positive emotional atmosphere with a belief in the virtues of family builds normal family development. Finally, when family members depend on each ther for feedback and support rather than in co-dependent ways, the family develops healthily. Family Disorders Bowen believed that family problems result from emotional fusion, or from an increase in the level of anxiety in the family. He believed that the member with the symptom is the least differentiated member of the family, and is the one who has the least ability to resist the pull to become fused with another member. This person absorbs the anxiety and worries of t he whole family and has the least ability to separate their own thoughts and feelings from those of their family. Families face two kinds of problems. Vertical problems are passed down from one generation to the next. Thus, adults who had cold and distant relationships with their parents do not know how to have warm and close relationships with their children, and so pass down their own problems to their children. Horizontal problems are caused by environmental stressors or transition points in the family development. This may result from traumas such as a chronic illness, the loss of the family home, or the death of a family member. However, horizontal stress may also result from Social Emotional Processes, such as when a minority family moves from a like-minority neighbourhood to a very different neighbourhood, or when a family with traditional gender roles immigrates to a culture with very different views, and must raise their children there. The worst case for the family is when vertical and horizontal problems happen at once. Goals of Therapy Bowen’s therapy was not aimed at changing people or solving problems, it was basically geared towards: †¢ Helping families to inquire and explore their own roles in family problems Making them assume responsibility for their own problems†¢ People learning more about themselves and their relationships †¢ Decreasing emotional reactivity†¢ Improving self-focus †¢ Modifying dysfunctional patterns †¢ Evaluating progress of the family in terms of how they function now, as well as how adaptive they can be to future changes In general, the t herapist accomplishes this by giving less attention to specific problem they present with, and more attention to family patterns of emotions and relationships, as well as family structures of dyads and triangles. Techniques that are most prominent in the practice of Bowenian family systems therapy. Genogram: Bowen used what he termed a â€Å"family diagram† to collect and organise important data concerning the multigenerational family systems. In 1972 Guerin renamed the family diagram the â€Å"genogram. † The main function of the genogram is to organise data during the evaluation phase and to track relationship processes and key triangles over the course of therapy. In the process of assessment, the following are noted: the history of the presenting problems, exact dates are noted, history of the nuclear family, when the parents met, their courtship, their marriage, child rearing, where the family lived especially in relation to the location of the extended family, history of both spouses birth, sibling positions, facts about childhood, past and current functioning with parents The Therapy Triangle: This technique is based on the theoretical assumption that conflictual relationship processes within the family have activated key-symptom-related triangles in an attempt to re-establish stability; and the family will automatically attempt to include the therapist in the triangling process. If they succeed, therapy will be stalemated. On the other hand, if the therapist can remain free of reactive emotional entanglements, in other words, stay detriangled ,the family system and its members will calm down to the point where they can begin to work out s olutions to their dilemmas. Relationship Experiments: Relationship experiments are carried out around structural altercations in key triangles. The goal is to help the family members become aware of systems processes and learn to recognise their role in them. Thomas F. Fogarty developed experiments for use with emotional pursuers and distancers (lartin-drake. com 28/12/2010). Pursuers are encouraged to restrain their pursuit, stop making demands, and decrease pressure for emotional connection and see what happens in themselves and in the relationship. The exercise isn’t designed to be a magic cure, as some people have hoped, but to help clarify the emotional processes involved. Distancers are encouraged to move toward the other person and communicate personal thoughts and feelings, in other words, to find an alternative to either avoiding or capitulating to the others’ demands. Coaching: Coaching is the Bowenian alternative to the more emotionally involved role common to most other forms of therapy. By acting as a coach, the Bowenian therapist hopes to avoid taking over for patients or becoming embroiled in family triangles. The goal is increased understanding, increased self-focus, and more functional attachment to key family members. The I-Position: Taking a personal stand, saying what you feel, instead of what others are â€Å"doing†, is one of the most direct ways to break cycles of emotional reactivity. Bowenian therapists not only encourage clients to take I-Position, they also do so themselves. Another assumption in Bowenian therapy is that confrontation increases anxiety and decreases the ability to think clearly and see options. Therefore, displacing the focus, making it less personal and less threatening, is an excellent way to increase objectivity. This forms the basis for two related techniques, multiple family therapy and displacement stories. Conclusion In conclusion I believe that Bowen developed a comprehensive theory of family therapy which inspired generations. His theory describes how the family shapes the interplay of individuality and togetherness using six interlocking concepts which are: differentiation of self, triangles, nuclear family emotional process, family projection process, multigenerational transmission process and sibling position. In 1970 Bowen added two additional concepts: emotional cut-off and societal emotional process. Bowenian therapy is a process of active inquiry in which the therapist helps family members get past blaming and fault finding in order to face their own roles in family problems. The goals of Bowenian therapy are not to change people or to solve their problems. Instead they see therapy as an opportunity for people to learn more about themselves and their relationships so that they can assume responsibility for their own problems. Contents Introduction Differentiation of Self The Nuclear Family Emotional Process Triangles The Multigenerational Transmission Process Sibling Position Emotional Cut-off Societal Emotional Processes Normal Family Development Family Disorders Goals of Therapy Conclusion Bibliography Bibliography http://www. abacon. com/famtherapy/bowen. html (14/12/2010) http://www. anzjft. om/pages/articles/78. pdf (14/12/2010) http://www. bukisa. com/articles/293438_what-is-the-concept-of-bowen-family-therapyixzz14iOkMQpM (16/12/2010) http://www. genopro. com/genogram/fam ily-systems-theory/ (22/10/2010) http://www. houd. info/bowenTheory. pdf (22/10/2010) http://www. lartin-drake. com/distancer. pdf (22/10/2010) Bibliography http://www. abacon. com/famtherapy/bowen. html http://www. psychpage. com/learning/library/counseling/bowen. html http://www. bukisa. com/articles/293438_what-is-the-concept-of-bowen-family-therapy http://www. thebowencenter. org/ http://homepages. wmich. edu/~macdonal/SW 6680. 05/Friedman. Bow Contents Introduction

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Public School Uniforms Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public School Uniforms - Annotated Bibliography Example Therefore, when doing a research on the use of school uniforms, I would argue against it by citing this article. As they claim, it mightnot be easier to obtain equality. In fact, it might result into a conflict between the two social classes. This article was written by Brunsma, D. & Kerry A. R and published in 1998. Here, these scholars conducted a research on the influences of the use of uniforms on the learners’ behaviors and academic performance. In their analysis, they report that there is no direct relationship between behavior reforms and academic improvement and school uniform. The article can be of a great value when conducting a research on the demerits of school uniforms on the learners. It can help in justifying that school uniforms should not be mandatory since they can only contribute to poor academic performance, increased behavior problems and rampant cases of substance abuse. The above article was authored by DaCosta, K. and published by the Journal of Negro Education in 2006. In this article, DaCosta examines the reactions of the urban learners towards the use of uniforms in school. While conducting a research on the advantages of school uniforms, I would have to incorporate the use of this article. It has a lot of resourceful information on how uniform can be instrumental in creating equality amongst the learners from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. This is a very important component which must be included in the research. This article was written by Draa, V. in 2005. It presents a candid discussion about the significance of school uniforms amongst the urban-based high school learners. As reported in this article, uniform is necessary in the urban set up in which cases of gang violence, peer influence and classism are rampant. When carrying out this research, I would have to use this article. It is quite resourceful and would provide me with