Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Roles of Female Characters in The Necklace and Life in...

Examine the roles of the female characters in society in ‘The Necklace’ and ‘Life in the Country’ There are three things that make up the society; the time, place and people. In each society each of these points differs from other societies. The stories ‘The Necklace’ and ‘Life in the Country’ by Guy de Maupassant were set in a time in which poverty was very common in most places even though each society had a different view as to what poverty is. This essay is examining the roles of the female characters in ‘The Necklace’ and ‘Life in the Country’ by Guy de Maupassant. Guy de Maupassant came from a wealthy background and lived in France, Normandy. His parents were divorced so he spent the early years of his life mostly with his†¦show more content†¦If she had not gone through that, then she would have never changed, and change is very important. The necklace was fake, although very beautiful, in a way it describes Mathilde, on the outside she was ravishing and beautiful, but in the inside she was completely fake. This story shows how things such as discontentment, envy, and pride could destroy a life. In the story, Madam Loisel is a very envious woman who dreamt of a life she could not have. She was very beautiful and charming but, like the necklace she is a fake. The day her dream came to life, and she as well as her husband were invited to a dinner ball she became distraught and insisted she would not come as she had nothing to wear. This made her husband give her four hundred francs, for a new dress yet she was still not content and was once again distraught at the prospect of having little jewellery to wear. This greed inside her caused her life to destroy around her, but it is good as if this would not have happened she would not have changed for the better. In ‘Life in the country’ the main theme is also greed and Madam Tuvache as well as Vallin saw how dangerous it could be. Madam Tuvache in the end lost her son and Madam Vallin the little respect she had amongst the people not to mention their friendship. Although both stories are about poverty, the poverty described in each story is completely different.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness And The Quiet American1581 Words   |  7 PagesEveryone is born under different circumstances, different experiences, and develop different positions. Although gender allows our existence to flourish, females were and are still discriminated against. Similar to those people who experienced the dismantle of their culture and people, imperialism seeks people who are different. They observe the differences of language, culture, and even physical appearances. 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